The code of ethics of teaching and educational laws in Djibouti outline the principles and regulations governing the conduct of educators and the educational system in the country. Here's a summary:

Code of Ethics:
1. Professional Integrity: Educators are expected to uphold high standards of integrity, avoiding corruption, discrimination, and bias in their professional duties.

2. Respect for Students: Teachers must treat students with respect, dignity, and fairness, acknowledging and valuing the cultural and social diversity within classrooms.

3. Student Development: Education in Djibouti aims to foster holistic development in students, promoting their intellectual, emotional, social, and physical well-being.

4. Promotion of Equal Opportunities: Teachers are tasked with ensuring equitable access to education for all students, regardless of their social background, gender, or economic status.

5. Academic Excellency Confidentiality and Data Protection: Teachers are required to maintain the confidentiality of students' personal information and safeguard their data against unauthorized access.

6. Professional Accountability: Educators are accountable for their actions and professional decisions, taking responsibility for their ongoing professional development.

Educational Laws:

1. Compulsory Education: Djibouti has laws mandating compulsory education for children of certain age groups, ensuring access to basic education for all.

2. Curriculum Standards: Educational laws define curriculum frameworks and standards, guiding the content and structure of education at different levels.

3. Teacher Certification and Qualifications: Laws establish requirements for teacher certification and qualifications, ensuring that educators meet certain standards of competency and expertise.

4. School Governance and Administration: Regulations outline the governance structures and administrative procedures for schools, including the roles and responsibilities of school administrators and governing bodies.

5. Student Rights and Protections: Educational laws protect the rights of students, including provisions for safe learning environments, freedom from discrimination, and access to support services.

6. Parental Involvement: Laws may encourage or mandate parental involvement in education, promoting collaboration between schools and families to support student learning and development.